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Meet DeeDee & Rick...

Both are the excited NEW owners of Curves Strathfield.

They have an amazing passion for fitness and healthy living that inspires everyone they meet, and wish to continue sharing that passion with their brand new family of "Curvettes".


DeeDee has been involved in the Latin Community since her arrival from Chile to Australia.


Hosting cultural shows at Fairfield Showground, working as an MC, dancing Folk Dance and performing at the Opera House, Sydney Town Hall, The Rocks, Darling Harbour and more. Then moved on to producing, organising and hosting a radio program called Zona Latina, as well as being featured in various Latin Newspapers numerous times.


Whilst at University she was a mentor, then became involved in counselling and became a Lifeline Counsellor.

Later, she became involved in teaching Latin Ballroom. Dancing at least, 6 nights a week, as well as practising Salsa with a group for performances.

DeeDee has also managed and produced her own Latin Nightclub and shows. From there her love of dance got her trained as a Zumba instructor and she was hired to instruct regular classes immediately.


Having been involved in volunteer and charity work all her life, along with her parents, they set up a charity organisation to help Chile, named Friends of Hogar de Cristo Inc. going strong for over 15 years now. She still volunteers her time, and enjoys joining her loves of travel and volunteer work, travelling last year to Nepal to volunteer to teach English to Buddhist monks.


After getting very sick due to bad food in her twenties, she started to research and learn more and more about nutrition and the best ways to lead a healthy lifestyle. She learnt so much about food, combinations, additives, preservatives and allergens, she’s been helping herself with good food and nutrition rather than resorting to medicine for many years now.

Her lifestyle has changed completely in her search to regain and maintain her health, though she still battles with how to efficiently manage her allergies, but a healthy lifestyle means that the risks and attacks are much less.

Having gone through so much in only a few years, after having been healthy most of her life, made DeeDee decide that her knowledge should be shared and first she started with a small group of friends, and then the demand grew. She then began posting and sharing her extensive knowledge on FaceBook.

She believes “Knowledge Is POWER”.


Employed by Curves Strathfield, nearly two years ago as a Zumba instructor, she fell in love with the Curvettes, their attitude and great, easy-going nature… when the opportunity came to buy the franchise, she and Rick decided to go for their dream… “Empowering Women To Be The Best They Can Be” and sharing her knowledge, passion, and lifestyle… for the benefit of whomever she can help!




Rick is a fully qualified Personal Trainer, Zumba instructor, and PunchFit Pad Trainer. Whom specialises in weight loss, strength & conditioning, endurance, stability, core strengthening, flexibility, children's fitness, and training the elderly.

Rick has worked alongside many brilliant trainers, polishing and honing his skills over the past 5 years.

He grew up as active as any other kid, being of a Latin background, he was involved in traditional folkloric dancing from the age of 11, performing all over Australia, from Parramatta to Perth, and as far as Argentina.

His other passion, music, grew as the years flew by, as did his waistline. Spending late nights playing at nightclubs, festivals, and functions. He was eating out constantly, working in retail, and things weren't looking very "fit"...


He was fortunate and blessed enough to be able to study Personal Training, and he most recently dedicating his passion for fitness, and skills as a trainer, to intellectually and physically disabled individuals.

Working with individuals struggling with weight management, due to the effects and symptoms of such disorders as: Down Syndrome (DS), Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD), Cerebral Palsy, Multiple Sclerosis (MS), and Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). As well as individuals with permanent injuries, such as: Spinal injuries, Brain injuries, and amputees.


With an abundance of knowledge and experience, Rick and DeeDee are dramatically changing the atmosphere within the club.

Pushing, motivating, exciting and inspiring each and every one of their members to reach, achieve, and even surpass their goals and expectations of their own abilities.

They draw upon their own experiences and battles with past weight loss and fitness, so you know they can understand where you are coming from.

They have been there, they have triumphed, and at times failed, but always took the journey as a learning experience


So please...

Spread the word ladies and Curvettes!!!

There are new kids in town.

Ready to take you on an amazing fitness journey.

One that you can remember and be proud of completing.

One that you will take with you through life, and share with others in need.

One that you WILL love and rave about to ALL your friends looking for help with their own weight loss struggles.


One that we are ecstatic to be a part of...


See you on the circuit...



DeeDee & Rick


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